When does nesting happen?
How do you know?
Currently I am in mental panic mode.
All I can think about is stuff that needs to get done.
And how afraid I am that it will not get done.
I don't know if this is nesting, or just my personality ramped up on pregnancy hormones.
When I clean I get this way, Dom has called me the cleaning monster.
I am just so extreme.
Like right now our house is a disaster.
Mainly because I slept through the entire 1st trimester.
But also because the monster hasn't kicked in for a while.
And I want to move our furniture to designate a place for baby stuff.
And the end of the school year is coming so it is super busy.
And we will find out the gender of our baby right before we will be on vacation for a month.
All I can think about is projects waiting to be done.
Projects that need to be done.
Projects that I want to do.
I am making lists at rapid speeds.
I feel bad for my husband.
I know I am going to cause him an immense amount of stress over the next two weeks.
Scratch that.
All the way through October.
As if he needs more.
He has started his masters.
He also has projects on his mind.
He also has to deal with the craziness of wrapping a school year with dorm students.
He is also planning our summer trip.
He will be working next year.
And here I am worrying.
And making lists.
Is this how a mother bird feels?
Worrying over every twig?