11 September 2011

Give Birth to Hope

Baby Adams first act in his life will be to an act of giving. Giving of that
 which sustained his life for nine months, that which he no longer needs and would otherwise be discarded. 
But which will offer the hope of life to someone else . 

He will be donating his Umbilical Cord blood. 
If you are pregnant you have the opportunity to give even more than birth to a new life.
You and your baby have the opportunity to give birth to hope for someone else. 

More Information on the Process:
Call a cord blood specialist at 1.888.932.6568 to get started. 

***The more available cord blood, which contains stem cells, the less desire there will ultimately be to create stem cells through therapeutic cloning and embryonic stem cell research. ***

Please consider donation. 

Not Pregnant? Consider Bone Marrow Donation. Most donors are back to their usual routine in a few days, and their marrow naturally replaces itself in 4-6 weeks. 

You have the opportunity to give life to another person on this earth. 

Why Not?

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