22 October 2010

Mackinac Blueberry-Lemon Muffins

I found this recipe in Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book of Breads: Revised and Expanded. I have had this book from the local library for about a month now in the search for the perfect homemade bread. I mean the kind that you can slice up for sandwiches and toast. It is 724 pages. You think by now I would have found that recipe. I have not, but in the process our oven broke twice and so did my Kitchenaid mixer.

Well for obvious reasons I took a break from the bread and since my husband worked on Mackinac (pronounced Mac-i-naw) Island. I felt that this recipe is a must. I did make some minor adjusts, not because I think I can make a better muffin than the creator. But simply out of my lack of effort, so if you want the real deal, check out the book from your local library.

The original recipe is from Melanie Sullivan the baker at the Hotel Iroquios on the beach at Mackinac and I guess since the only way to reach these is by ferry to the island (and only in the months when the lake isn't frozen over) she decided to share it with the world. Thank you Ms. Sullivan!

You will need:
1 2/3 CP Flour
1 TBSP Baking Powder
1 1/2 TSP Salt
1/2 CP Sugar
2 Eggs
1 CP Whole Milk
2/3 CP Oil
2 TBSP Lemon Juice
2 CP Frozen Wild Blueberries
Zest from 1 Lemon

Preheat Oven to 400.

Sift Flour, Baking Powder, Salt, and Sugar into a mixing bowl.

it took forever, but I think it was worth it

In a small bowl crack the eggs and beat for 10 seconds (yep it said 10 seconds. what if I beat it for only 9?)

Add the milk, oil, and lemon juice to the eggs and stir to blend.
Make a well in the flour and pour in the the egg-milk mixture.
Stir as little as possible to moisten the flour. Set aside.

In the small bowl measure out the blueberries and mix in the lemon zest.

Fold berries into batter.

Spoon into greased muffin tins. (The recipe suggests 3/4 full but I like to fill 'em all the way up so that you end up with a big fluffy muffin)

Then for I finishing touch I always sprinkle on some coarse sugar. (healthy? no. pretty? yes.)

Pop 'em in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Perfecto.

Enjoy a little taste from Dom's home town (more like home county, but whatever)

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