29 October 2010

Eureka! Sandwich Bread!

So I have been looking for the perfect basic sliced bread recipe for a while. Months.

I was pouring over Bernard Clayton's 724 page bruiser, New Complete Book of Breads. With no real luck. Some okay breads but not what I was looking for.

But finally a light bulb went off. What is a million times more comprehensive than this book?

The World Wide Web.

It took me about five minutes to figure out that sliced bread was not the proper term for what I was looking for, it only really returned images of people's favorite grocery store brands.

I tried to think of a synonym comparable to what I was looking for.

What do you do with sliced bread? Make SANDWICHES!

A quick search brought me to A Year in Bread.

Where they shared a recipe for what the called Susan's Farmhouse White.

Thank You Susan! Your bread is just the ticket.

Next expedition Whole Wheat!

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